Monday, January 25, 2010

Innocent World Ordering

Over the next few months I'm going to feature a different brand each month, write what I know about their concept and design. As well as show you how to order from them. I just received an order I placed with the new Innocent World website, so I thought now is the perfect time to write about them.

"Innocent World's designer, Yumi Fujihara,
has created a new brand of clothing
inspired by classical European designs
that embodies the ideals of elegance
and cuteness but is suitable for
young women of the modern era.

The brand name Innocent World
brings to mind a simple world
without dirt or blemish. We made
this name to reflect the pure
and innocent hearts of young women
everywhere, at any age
Today I'm writting about ordering from them. Their website is now available in English making it much easier to navigate, and order from. I recently tested out their new order system.  They are currently having a sale! Check it out, it's great way to get some good items for a good price: Here is my order procese I placed my order on 01/14/10

I copied the name and price from the small box under the description and click "order form" in the top right .

I ordered a total of 5 Items. I was invoiced that same night, and promptly paid through paypal the next morning.  My items shipped out on 01/21/10. I received my order today! 01/25/10

Yay! and here's what I ordered!

Items from left to right are Edward Scarf, Emblem Necklace, Velvet Crown Ring, Ribbon Crown Scarf, and in the top right Heart Scallop Card Case. One of the cutest things was they also sent me a note!

It was all very easy and rather quick. I will definitely be ordering from innocent world more often now that their site is so easy to use.

Thank you so much for reading yesterday we had almost 700 hits!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Gothic & Lolita Bible (and calendar give away!)

The Gothic and Lolita Bible (GLB) is one of the most important things to a lolita. It's been about 9 years since volume 1 was released!  The book has always a great way to see new/old brand items from a variety of brands all in one place, like a lolita year book. As well as to see photo shoots featuring different brands. Recently when looking through some of my older issues, I realized just how much lolita has changed. Also how brand identity has changed.
 I was flipping though my first volume and found some old ads that really show how some brands have changed! Look at this angelic pretty ad

look at that bonnet! it's comforting to know somethings don't change. However in this volume this is really the only angelic pretty feature. There is no section featuring their designs, odd.  One of the other old ads I found a little odd was for Victorian Maiden.

Some brands I feel haven't really changed all that much, Like Metamorphose and Baby, The Stars Shine Bright.
On the left is metamorphose, this is one of my favorite prints from them. The version pictured is on a shinny satin fabric.  To the right is Baby, The Stars Shine Bright, it's a little longer and the head dress is a bit awkward then their designs now.  Over all the older bibles have some great rare items in them it's fun to see the original price.

 I want to say thank you to everyone for reading! I have a gift for one lucky reader leave a comment over the next week (ends 01/31/10) and I will randomly (via pick one person to recieve:
A 2010 Baby, The stars shine bright Calendar!!

We have a winner!!

              Thank you everyone for reading and keep checking back for more Give a ways!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lucky Pack Time!! (First)

This is me. I am a plus size lolita, simple as that. This blog is not about size, shape or creed. It's about lolita pure and simple.  Lolita is something that is very important to me, not for the fashion, but for the friends. 
With that said, I would like to christen this blog and get this first post under way. 
Over the next month I will be receiving all the lucky-packs I've ordered. I know there are always a million questions about what these are and where you can get them. So I present the first post:

 福袋 (Fukubukuro) A.K.A. Lucky pack, Mystery bag, Lucky bag
WHEN- The best time to buy these is new years between the end of December and the end of January. This is when they mostly get released. They are also released in the summer, but those packs tend to have back stock and items no one really wanted.
WHAT- Some bands include an entire outfit. For example this year Angelic Pretty made a limited edition print and offered it in 2 pack types. a JSK (jumper skirt, sleeveless dress) and an OP (one piece, sleeved dress)  you can see the sample Image on the right (the OP version). The JSK version also included a blouse.  Every band offers something similar. Even non-lolita brands release packs.

WHY- Lucky packs offer many items at a great discount. The angelic pretty (AP) one posted here was 15000 yen so about $165 (with current exchange rate) that's less then the price of a single blouse or skirt from AP! These packs are a great way for a beginner to get some items and because the pack usually matches you can wear it right out of the bag. Other more expensive brands like Juliette et Justine offer packs as well this year it cost 30000 yen ($315) and contained 4-6 items. 

Now let me share with you one of the Lucky Packs I got this year from Baby, The Stars Shine Bright 

 "BABY Muffler & Gloves set"

Ribbon head bow

Price 6,825(includes tax)

the website displayed this image (above), so I mostly knew what I was getting the only thing that was questionable was the color....

Here is the pack I received. I got pink! I don't really wear alot of pink but that's how it goes buying lucky packs. I'm really glad I got these other socks and not the ones pictured. My items ended up not being coordinated very well, but I don't really plan to wear it all together. 

I have a lot more lucky packs coming and you can expect all of them to be posted and reviewed!
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